It's been 4 long years since I gave up on this. I've lost count of the number of times I considered re-launching. Every time I did, I was struck by the reasons I gave up on it in the first place and despaired. So why re-launch? Because this is a completely different blog.
I did my best to write my manifesto in the about section. But put simply, this will be a blog about my growing pains in my journey to become a better person. I'm going to write about what I'm doing to change all these parts of myself that I normally hide because of shame. It's all that Brené Brown I've been reading: this is vulnerability in digital form.
My hope is that by giving myself permission to write this for me I will avoid all the traps I fell into last time: worrying about how many visits I got, the comments I got on each post- the popularity, basically. I'm sad that I let that take me down last time because there were moments when this thing was really good for me. Hopefully it will be again.
So here goes...