
Friday, December 6, 2013

Celebrate the Small Things- Big Things

It's Friday!  Which means it's time for another rousing installement of Celebrate the Small Things hosted by our very own Viklit.  It's where we gather to give thanks for the little thing in our lives that keep us going.  Click on the picture above to sign up.

Every now and again those of us who are lucky break with tradition by celebrating something really, REALLY big.  Well, for me- this is one of those times.

Most of you already saw my announcement on Wednesday, but in case you missed it:
                              I got the job!
The job I've been talking about for the past few weeks as I've been advancing through the interview process- the one I really wanted- I got it!  They called me on Wednesday to welcome me aboard and I was so exited I literally jumped up and down (after I got off the phone, of course.  Best not to let my new employer know how crazy I am until they get to know me...)  I'm thrilled.

Now, of course, there's stressful times ahead as this new job involves big changes in my life.  Leaving my current place of employment will be bittersweet as this is the best group of co-workers I have ever had.  My schedule is basically going to flip flop once I'm at the new job full time.  My commute will change.  There's new policies and procedures to learn and traninings to attend.  Not to mention the stacks of HR paperwork- on both the coming and going ends.  And, as if all that wasn't enough, it's Christmas.  I have no idea how starting the new schedule is going to work with two holidys two weeks in a row.  I apprecaite that people all over the globe start and end jobs in December and it's no big deal- but I've never done it before and it makes me super nervous!

But I digress- the big news here is that I got the job.  And yeah, the transition will be stressfull because all transitions are.  But it'll work out and in the not too distant future I'll be happilly settled at my awesome new job.  Yay me!

There are other things to celebrate, as well.  I won NaNoWriMo.  I had some lovely time off filled with Lego LOTR and puppy snuggles.  IWSG was wonderful and the Dream Destination Bloghop was fun (though i've still got a ton of blogs to visit.)  But right now that all just serves as backdrop to this new, exciting oppotunity in my life- so that's where my thoughts are.  And with something this huge, I think that's ok. 

What about all of you?  I'm looking forward to hearing about the celebrations in your life!



  1. Don't let the changes and endless paperwork scare you. It will probably drag a little longer with the holidays coming, but it will be all right.
    Congratulations again on getting the position!

  2. Congratulations again, and best of luck in your new job!

  3. Congratulations on your new job! And on winning NaNoWriMo. I had to give up on my NaNo book, but I'm actually not upset about it at all.

  4. Congrats on the new job AND on winning NaNo! Two things definitely worth celebrating.

    Me? Every day I wake up to find my hubby and me still breathing, and my cats crawling all over me looking for a good morning cuddle, is a day worth celebrating.

    Happy weekend!

  5. Wahoo and congrats on both the job you wanted and on winning NaNoWriMo! That's so awesome. You'll get settled into the new job in no time, even with the holidays. :) It might be the best time to start a job! I'm celebrating the fact that the weekend will start in a few hours when I'm done with work! Wahoo. (I'm on lunch now) :)

  6. Congrats again, both for the job and winning NaNo! Have a great weekend!

  7. So happy for you that you got the job!!! It makes me smile to read your happiness, it's wonderful when things work out so well sometimes. :)

    Happy weekend!

  8. Oh! Congratulations on getting the job and on winning NANoWriMo! Well done you!

  9. So pleased for you, hope the transition goes well.

  10. Congratulations on your new job, that's wonderful news.

  11. CONGRATS on the new job!

  12. Congratulations on your new job!

  13. Hooray again for the new job!! Whoot!


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