
Monday, April 1, 2013

A is for Arlee Bird

Source:  facebook
A Quick note before the official post:
This post is owed to two awesome people: First is its namesake who organized this thing way back in 2010 and has worked tirelessly since then to bring together this amazing group of people and organize this fantastic project.  I join with everyone else participating in saying THANK YOU!
Second is Konstanz Silverbow who is guiding me and others along the way.  He advised us to give credit where credit is due by making A stand for Arlee and I owe my thanks for that.  And now, the post:
A perpetual motion machine
with no magnets and no battery-
he is powered by his own imagination. 

Trading pins for thoughts and balls for words
he shifts his trade with time. 

But the constant moving,
the effortless timing,
the essence of the act remains.

Up and down,
left and right,
he catches and throws with ease. 

Others marvel at his skill
as he moves without pause
but he thinks of only one thing:


  1. Fantastic tribute, and welcome to day 1 of the challenge :-D

  2. I read your bio too, and I like what I read so I am commenting :) It takes imagination to be a tosser :)

  3. 'A' is for talents I will never have...

    1. Juggling? Yeah, I can't even catch a single ball.

  4. Beverly...that was wonderful...way to go! My post is up now...for some reason my scheduler did not work out...blessings...hope you come back by sweetie!

  5. Beautiful, Bev. I'm so glad you stopped by my blog so I could return the favor. I am at a complete loss when it comes to poetry and in awe of all who write it.

    Also, I'm seeing lots of A for Arlee Bird and feel a bit guilty that I didn't even know who started the challenge until this morning. I've since visited Arlee's blog.

    1. I am also in awe of actual poets!

      And to be fair, those of us on Konstanz's list got an extra nudge of encouragment!

  6. Excellent job! You captured the essence of a performance so succinctly. As for juggling - that is one of those things I totally cannot do.

  7. I'm no poet, and the only thing I juggle is time, work, home, family, job etc but I enjoyed your tribute to Arlee Bird.

  8. Thank you for the follow on my blog, and the wonderful comment (it's great to meet you, too!)

    This was an awesome post, and I love the picture!

  9. Excellent beginning, excellent A~

  10. No comment from Arlee on that image? What a fun photo!

    Popped in from AtoZ.


Thank you for your comment! I will love it and hug it and pet it and call it George. Or, you know, just read and reply to it. But still- you rock!