
Friday, May 9, 2014

Celebrate the Small Things- May 9th

Happy Friday, all!  It's that time of the week to join your fellow bloggers in celebration of the little things in life that keep you going.  Thanks go out to our host Viklit for this much needed weekly reminder of the good things in life.

This week I'm celebrating...
Spring!  I haven't had to wear a jacket outside in over a week.  There are blooms on all the trees, flowers in every yard, birds chirping, green everywhere you look and all the tell-tale signs of Spring are abundant.  First Fridays have started up again, there are signs posted everywhere about music festivals, 5ks and other community runs (the Broad Street Run took place last weekend) and the ice creams stands are opening their awnings again.  It's my second favorite season of the year and although I spend most of my time indoors in an office I'm still loving the drives to work and walks with my dog.  YAY SPRING!

I survived!  This past week may have been the single busiest week I've had yet at this job (and don't get me wrong, there's been a lot of busy weeks, but this one may be number one).  I desperately need this weekend to recover and regain normal brain functioning.  Not to mention the thousands of bloggers I so desperately need to visit- you know who you are, I swear I will come and comment!  Here's to a weekend of simply not being at work and trying to regain some semblance of me outside of the office!

What about all of you lovely folks?  What are you celebrating?  Let me know in your comments and then hop along!



  1. Busy at your job means the week goes by fast.
    We were almost ninety degrees this week. I think we are beyond spring.

  2. The weather has been gorgeous where I live, and the kids and I have been loving it!

  3. Where I live, we actually had a spring. Now we're getting hot and humid weather.

    Hugs and chocolate!

  4. My roses! For years I have ignored them, considered them to nuisances. This year I really looked at them and realized how amazing they are. So I have been cutting them (snipping off the thorns as well) and giving them to people in my life.

  5. It's so great to get to the end of a busy week. ^_^ It was humid today, which isn't fun, but other than today, this week has been wonderful. Great weather, light breezes. Loves it.

  6. Spring is a great thing to celebrate, it's been lovely and warm here just lately, if a little rainy. I hope it's nice weather when I'm on holiday next week!

  7. I hope you have a restful weekend!


Thank you for your comment! I will love it and hug it and pet it and call it George. Or, you know, just read and reply to it. But still- you rock!