
Friday, January 10, 2014

Celebrate the Small Things: January 10th, 2014

It's time for another weekly celebration hosted by our own Viklit.  Click on the link to sign up!
Today is my last day!  As I wrote yesterday, today is my last day at my current job before moving on to bigger and better things.  It's sad, there's no way around it.  I love my boss and my co-workers and when it comes time to say goodbye to them I fully expect to start crying.  You can't spend this much time with a group of people and not get attached, nor should you- life is about connecting with people.  So I'm fine with being sad today because goodbyes are important.  And I'm celebrating every great memory I'll take with me from my time here.

I start my New Job on Monday!  I'm excited and scared and giddy and nervous and a whole variety of other emotions.  It's going to be very, very different from my current job and I know it's gonna take a while before I get a clue as to what I'm doing- but that's ok. I got to meet my new co-workers yesterday at a group supervision meeting and they're all really, really nice and every one of them offered- several times- to help me out in any way they can, reassuring me that when they started they didn't know what they were doing either and promising me that they'll help me get my footing.  Plus they all said- again, several times- how happy they are to have me joining them.  I think it's gonna be really good, on so many different levels, and I am just thrilled.

Karate  I've been insanely stressed out this week, as is to be expected.  Thinking about all the things I have to get done before I leave, packing up the office, trying to get the last of the HR paperwork for the new job faxed in, etc, etc.  And I went to karate on Tuesday- my mind racing with all of these things and generally feeling as though I could explode.  And when I walked out my mind was clear.  Absolutely zen-like empty.  I felt so calm and peaceful and just really freakin' good I couldn't believe it.  I've marveled at this phenomenon several times in the past but it still seems like an all-out miracle every time.  I've said it before and I'll say it again: I don't know how I survived so long without it.  It keeps me sane.

How about all of you?  What are you celebrating this week?


  1. Bittersweet day for you, but Monday you begin a new adventure!
    I usually hit the gym before going home and it does wonders for relieving stress.

  2. I hate goodbyes too, Beverly. You'll be missing your friends and they will miss your presence as well. But you have forged great connections with them and those will remain. Now you can concentrate on the new adventures waiting at the new job. So excited for you. All the best with your new venture.

  3. A new year, new challenges and new friends to be made I'm sure. Hope today goes well and that Monday is the start of some more good times.

  4. You've got some great things to celebrate this week. Glad you didn't get into trouble with so much occupying your brain during karate class. That could turn deadly! lol!

  5. Good luck on Monday, what a great new adventure you are starting out on. I can imagine it is bittersweet but how wonderful that you have so many great memories of that job. I'm sure your coworkers have fantastic of memories of you as well. :)

    Enjoy your weekend!

  6. That's awesome about how karate works so well for you at relieving stress. Good luck on Monday! :)

  7. Good luck with your new job on Monday! It sounds like you're joining a great group of people.

  8. I'm so glad you have something to keep you sane, yay for Karate. Best of luck with your new job and with saying goodbye today. Enjoy your weekend ;)

  9. Congrats on the new job and savoring those memories! Gotta love your kick-butt attitude :)

  10. New jobs can be stressful and exciting all wrapped into one. Much to celebrate!

  11. A new year! A new job! Wonderful timing. How cool is that?
    Karate sounds like a great destresser!
    Remember that change = progress = growth.
    Good luck for Monday... I'll be thinking of you!
    Writer In Transit

  12. I'm so excited for you! :-)

  13. It's so exciting to start a new job! It's like a new adventure! :)

  14. Have a restful weekend, and I hope you have a great first day on Monday!

  15. Congrats on the new job. Hope you have a great first day at the new job.

  16. I've always wanted to do Karate! I think that is waaaay cool. And HUGE congrats with the new job. You must keep us posted! :)

  17. That means today will be your first day at the kick-ass new employer. Godspeed, Fox! And kick-ass with karate.

    I'm mostly celebrating tearing through composition of a novel right now, and worrying when the flow will stop.

  18. bittersweet, i know the feeling. great news tho! good luck!

    and karate sounds awesome! everyone should find their calming groove, ant exercise is usually great!

  19. Bev, I hope this new job is amazing and you're having an easy time settling in. I'm thinking I totally need to take up Karate now, but when? *sigh* I think I may need that time-stopper after all.


Thank you for your comment! I will love it and hug it and pet it and call it George. Or, you know, just read and reply to it. But still- you rock!